Empowering Women, One Breath at a Time
Happyher is your lifelong companion. It supports you from puberty to your golden years. It helps reduce stress, boost confidence, and uplift self-esteem.
Mood swings? Say goodbye to them.
Tied to your cycle or not, Happyher restores balance.
How to Use:
Inhale its soothing aroma 3 to 5 times a day. Feel calm, centered, and empowered.
Happyher is a life changer. Take control. Embrace your best self.
Each HappyHer product you proudly trust is made by the unique blending of ten essential oils - Citronella oil, Eucalyptus oil, Palmarosa oil, Basil oil, Cinnamon leaf oil, Clove bud oil, Cypriol, Frankincense oil, Lemongrass oil and Rosemary oil
For Women
HappyHer !
Empowering Women, One Breath at a Time Happyher is your lifelong companion. It supports you from puberty to your golden years. It helps reduce stress, boost confidence, and uplift self-esteem. Mood swings? Say goodbye to them. Tied to your cycle or not, Happyher restores balance. How to Use: Inhale its soothing aroma 3 to 5 times a day. Feel calm, centered, and empowered. Happyher is a life changer. Take control. Embrace your best self.
- Why Should Women Use HappyHer?
- Who Should Use HappyHer?
- Use of HappyHer for Best Results
- Special Problems of Women
This is a product designed specifically for women. It should by now be clear that, depending upon the thoughts we harbour in our subconscious minds, we have a corresponding vibrational energy and, hence, a corresponding quality of life. Thus, it follows that in order to enhance the quality of life, there must be a positive shift in our thought pattern at the subconscious level. Enhancing self-esteem and self love is the easiest and surest way to bring about this change. Once these traits are improved, we begin to experience the decisive positive impact in every facet of our lives. So, any woman who desires to cherish and honour her feminity should use HappyHer
Well, every woman! Even those for whom all is well, there are certain hidden pockets where improvements are still possible. Even those who have made a mark in one aspect may still have utilised only a fraction of their unlimited innate potential. For example, an Olympian who is regarded as the best may not have reached the zenith of her performance. Furthermore, there will still be aspects where she is quite primitive. When such unidentified areas of our Johari window are opened, we would get glimpses of ourselves where improvements can be had effortlessly.
Thus, there is a strong case for even successful women to be benefitted by using HappyHer!
We have indicated the synergistic effect of affirmations on the aroma. This blend of aromatic oil is rubbed on the wrist for easy inhalation. The roll-on is rubbed just once up and once down. It is generally done twice a day, early in the morning, and late in the evening. While inhaling the aroma, you can repeat the affirmations with either (a) focussing within and eyes closed or (b) looking straight right into your own eyes in a mirror, and trying to connect to your own deeper self.
On particularly stressful days, this can be applied more often, up to four or five times a day.
The appropriate affirmations are given . [] While repeating the affirmations, you can inhale the aroma three or four times.
It is seen that women have certain special problems. Sometimes these are considered as gyne- cological and / or hormone related problems. But on closer observations these can sometimes / often be related to attitudinal problems. If they are so, HappyHer can produce quick and effective solutions.
Womanhood is Nature’s gift, the special privilege given to women. What can be more fulfill- ing and joyful than motherhood? Yet women are often found not to honour their womanhood, and to complain that they have been unfairly dealt with. Failure to honour womanhood can manifest in the form of menstrual and hormone related discomforts and periods (pun intended!) of depression.
In such situations, consult a gynecologist by all means. But using HappyHer and consciously thinking positive thoughts can work wonders. After all, it is thoughts, and thoughts alone in the ultimate analysis, that make us happy or sad.
We repeat for emphasis: Mayika Naturals are not medicines. Administering these products is not a substitute for medical help. These aromatic blends, however, may help faster response to medical treatment.
Disclaimer : Not a medicine. For external use only.